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Get ready for reopening and get your goals

19 Mar 2021 09:53AM by Laura Ash

Whether you’ve been working out tirelessly during lockdown or have yet to dust off your gym shoes, all that matters now is getting your body and mind ready for reopening and getting back to the things you love. We’re returning to club from 12 April – just 4 weeks away - and in that time you can make some real progress to feel confident to get back in the gym and back into the world. 

The most important thing to remember is that, whatever you do, do it for you. Don’t look at what everyone else is doing. Ask yourself: is this right for me? 

But, how? Our Head of Exercise Wellness Esmée is here to tell you. Here’s her 4 tips for getting back out into the world.  

Daily journaling 

Journals are great to help you stay motivated because they allow you to organise your day, keep track of your progress and digest your thoughts and feelings. Whether you’re giving our Get Ready Series on our App a go or sticking to your own workout routine, it’s worth writing down what you’re doing and how it’s making you feel. Outside of your fitness, whatever you’ve achieved deserves to be written down. No win is too small. 

Esmée says:
“Even if it’s just small notes about how you’re feeling, journaling is a great way to understand if what you’re doing is genuinely making you happy. It also helps you understand patterns in your mood and mindset.”  

Schedule Sundays  

Ever find yourself with endless to-do lists leaving you no time to fit in your workouts or take a breather? There’s an easy way to help you organise the week ahead and it starts with carving out some time before Monday morning.  

Use your Sundays to schedule in important events, essential tasks, workouts you want to complete and even rest breaks for the following week.  

Take it from Esmée:  
“The best way to stay on track is to get everything in order before your week starts. Write out what you would like to achieve and then plan a schedule to make sure it fits with your lifestyle.” 

Accountable buddy  

Achieving your goals is easier when you have someone spurring you on from the sidelines – and keeping you in check when you want to give up. Having a dedicated person in your life who is aware of what you want to achieve will help motivate you toward your goals.  

Before you choose just anyone to be your accountable buddy, have a little think about what you want to achieve and how much support you need from your buddy. You’ll want to take their opinion seriously. 

Esmée says:  
“Your accountable buddy can be someone close to you or can come in the form of a coach or teacher. Having someone you can check in with will give you the boost to do something so that you can share your success with them.”  

Feel good prompts 

Whatever you’re working towards, remember to be kind to yourself and respect the limits of your body and mind. When you don’t feel like working out or feel demotivated, referring back to feel good prompts can really help your mood. When the world feels overwhelming, come back and centre yourself.  

Whether they’re reminders to pick you up when you feel down or kind note-to-self's that say it’s okay to have time off, have them visible to you so they’re there when you need it most. Try motivational wallpapers for your phone and laptop or stick post-it notes around your house with your hand-written messages.   

Esmée says:  
“It’s good to have gentle prompts which remind you what makes you happy and what makes you feel good so that you’re always motivated to get that same feeling again.”  

Here’s a few prompts that Esmée suggests to get started: 

❤️ In your tea cupboard: “Note to self: tea helps”
❤️ On your bathroom mirror: “Today is not a chore, it’s a gift."
❤️ By your front door: “Remember to look up.” 
❤️ In your bathroom: “No phones allowed.” 
❤️ Next to your bed: “What are you grateful for?” 
❤️ By your tap: “Water is free, drink me.”  

Whatever you’re working towards, you’ve got this!  
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