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Here's how often you should switch up your workout plan

3 Nov 2023 10:21AM by The Athletic Training Team


Is it bad to keep your workouts the same? How often should you vary your training programme? These are questions our team often get asked by members. At Virgin Active, we offer a variety of different exercise experiences so that you can change up your workouts when you want. But why does it matter? Well, let us tell you…


Is it good to do the same workouts over and over again?


When you first get started with a workout routine, you might notice that you gravitate towards the same type of exercises. That could be the same classes, the same swim plan or the same routine on the gym floor.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing to do the same workouts every now and then. Especially if you love them. Doing the same workouts each week can help you stay consistent with your training plan and can also make you feel good. Following a programme for a set amount of weeks can be beneficial for improving strength, tone and aerobic fitness.


What happens when your workouts stay the same?


But, if you do end up doing the same workouts time and time again, it’s good to be aware of what can happen. When you’re training plan stays the same for a long period of time, you might:

  • Strain or overuse the same muscles which could lead to discomfort and injury
  • Plateau in your training
  • Find yourself getting bored because your workouts are uninspiring



How much do you need to vary your training plan?


There are some obvious benefits to keeping your training plan the same. But, does that mean you should? If you’ve been exercising the same way for a long period of time, it could be beneficial to change the way that you do things.

But, don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be a major change or even a total re-shift. It could be as simple as incorporating a day for stretching in place of one of your current training days. Or, adding in a high intensity workout instead of a lower impact class. Throughout the week try mixing in different intensities, depending on your goal. In general for most plans, at least once a week you want to be doing a high intensity workout.

You might try adding in a new workout or series of exercises every week that target different muscles or get your body working in a different way (like changing your heart rate).

But, whether or not you change your training plan depends on your fitness goals. If you’re looking to see results, then you might want to change your training plan to avoid your progress plateauing. If you’re using exercise as an escape for your mind, to get those endorphins flowing and make yourself feel good, then perhaps what you’re doing is working for you.


The choice is yours but, as ever, we’re here to support you!


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