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Pre-marathon tips to ace your race

5 Apr 2023 17:15PM by Tash Jones - Digital Designer


Getting ready for a marathon now or in the near future? If you’ve been training to get race-ready, then this blog is perfect for you to pick up some tips 1-2 weeks before your big day. A marathon is nerve-wracking and exhilarating all in one! If you’ve never run one before, we can’t wait for you to try it out. 


We spoke to one of our running enthusiasts Tash. She recently trained for and completed the Brighton Marathon and has a few tips on how to prepare yourself for those 26.2 miles. Take it away, Tash… 


a week before the race


Rest is important in the week before the marathon 

Resting before the marathon is called the ‘taper’. You should be running less and at a gentler intensity than usual. This is so you are well-rested and feeling fresh for the marathon.  


It may feel counter-intuitive to pull back the miles now but you have to trust your training over the past few weeks as doing too much so close to the day could make you feel tired.  


keep yourself moving

Whilst you are resting, you can still get your steps in with a walk (I like to get roughly 10,000 steps in a day) and keep yourself mobile with stretching and yoga. You could also do some low impact exercise like a swim. This will keep your fitness levels up and prepare your body for the big day. 


fuel and hydrate yourself

You don’t need to change up your usual diet too much the week before your race but it can help to make sure you are eating carbohydrates as part of a well-rounded diet in the run up to the day. This is to make sure that your glycogen levels are full so your body is ready. 


You’re going to want to be fuelled well on race day as well so try to eat a slightly increased calorie intake the day before.  


create a playlist 

If your race allows headphones then put together a playlist of your favourite high energy tunes to keep you motivated if you need it. 


plan out your outfit 

This might not be an obvious one but I’ve always found it useful to think ahead about what I’m going to wear on the day. There’s a saying of ‘nothing new on race-day’. I like to make sure I do a practice run in my kit to make sure it’s comfortable and doesn’t rub anywhere.  


On the day, check the weather and make sure you have enough layers if it’s going to be cold, and sun cream if it’s going to be sunny. 

on the day


take your own energy gels 

If you want to use energy gels or energy chews this can be a great way to easily digest sugar and boost your energy levels mid-run. Don’t rely on energy gels from the race provider as it may be a brand you’ve not tried. Practice on training runs with energy gels to check they work for you, so you’re not using them for the first time on the day.  


trust your training 

You’ve put in the hard work, it’s time to enjoy the day. Remember to breathe, take in the surroundings of where you’re running, chat to other runners if you get the chance and enjoy the endorphins at the end (and probably for the rest of the week). You’ve got this! 



Running a marathon? Share your tips with us on our social media. We love to hear from you! 


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