Level 2 Award in Pool Lifeguarding

Thinking about taking the plunge and becoming a Lifeguard? Make an impact and start a rewarding career with the Virgin Active Academy at Mansion House, London.

Why become a Lifeguard?

This course will teach you all there is to know about lifeguarding, including first aid, rescue techniques, customer care, and dealing with emergencies.

If you are looking to take a step into the exciting world of the leisure industry, a lifeguarding qualification is a great skill to have. Many swimming instructors and leisure managers are accredited Lifeguards.

Pool Lifeguarding is an incredibly fulfilling role. Not only will you learn how to keep swimmers safe, you will also gain valuable skills, keep fit and meet a wide range of people.

Why take your pool lifeguarding course?

  • Boost your CV with a nationally recognised Safety Training Awards (STA) qualification. Safety Training Awards is the awarding organisation of The Swimming Teachers’ Association, an independent registered charity and national governing body for swimming and lifesaving. This means you will have an accreditation that will provide you with the edge when applying for jobs in the sports and leisure industry.
  • Learn first aid at the same time. This lifeguarding course includes the First Aid at Work syllabus. This means you will get first aid qualified without having to take a separate course.
  • This course has been quality assured by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) and is aligned with its professional standards. Taking this course gives you CIMSPA points which recognise your status in the sports and leisure industry.


                STA award
     CIMSPA Logo-2



How will the course be assessed?

This course is tutor assessed through revision sheets and practical demonstrations of CPR, pool rescue skills and first aid skills. There is a theory multiple-choice assessment paper on the final day of the course. In addition  to this, there is an external assessment on the final day of the course covering multiple topics.


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Upcoming dates, costs & entry requirements Before you join, make sure...

  • You're at least 16 years old
  • You can enter and climb out of a pool unaided
  • You can tread in deep water for 30 seconds
  • You can complete a 50m swim in 60 seconds using a front stroke
  • You can recover an object from the bottom of the deepest part of the pool
  • You're confident in jumping into deep water
  • You can swim 100m front and back without stopping
  • You can surface dive

  • Our lifeguarding course runs for 5 days on the following dates at Mansion House, London from 08:00 - 17:00 with a break for lunch.

    Cost: £300

    Upcoming courses:

    5 - 9 August 2024

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